Custom Air Brush Spray Tanning
by Licensed Professionals

The Advantages

Even Spray
No Patches
Natural Color
Beautiful Glow

Custom Spray Tan  $35
Unlimited Spray Tans $75


Expert Color Matching

We offer a range of customizable solutions and products for your perfect tan.  If your goal is a natural even glow or to look like you just returned from a beach vacation, we have you covered!

DHA Boost

Hydration Lift

Vitamin Bath

Collagen Boost

Better with Friends

Group Discounts

Sororities, bridesmaids, your best friends, and roommates; everyone enjoys a discount when you and friends receive spray tans during the same session.

BFF Tan with a Friend  $30 each
Party Tans with 3 or more Friends or Bridal Group  $20 each
Bride’s Trial Tan & Final Custom Tan  $50

Golden Shimmer


Coconut Scent
